The insurance cover while working in Australia (valid for internships and WHV)
Did you know that most classic travel insurance policies do not cover your medical and travel costs if you are involved in paid or professional activities!?? That’s why the travel insurance ‘Cap Working Holiday Australia‘ was created purposefully to cover all young people working or doing an internship in Australia (or New Zealand) with the working holiday visa.
To sum up, this insurance ‘Cap Working Holiday Australia‘ is taylored made for you to travel to Australia and/or New Zealand for a period of one month up to one year.
You will benefit from an exhaustive cover that is heavily recommended against all obstacles you can encounter during your trip.
We highly recommend you to subscribe to a travel insurance, knowing that medical and hospital costs are really high in Autralia (an appendicitis can cost up to 12,000 € !). If you need to be rapatriated after a serious accident, it can cost up to 20,000 € !
With Cap Working Holiday, your rapatriation is entirely covered in the insurance policy.
• A 24/7 rapatriation assistance (with Isis Assistance), in real costs.
• You benefit from a third party deal from the ISIS assistance network (representation offices in Australia and around the world).
• Medical costs are refunded up to 150,000 € with no excess !
• Personal Liabilities.
• Protection against theft or loss of luggage (up to 760 € for your trip to and from Australia).
• Accidental death or disability.
• You will be offered a 24/7 emergency medical assistance involving the expert assistance services of « ISIS Assistance » and their call centre in Sydney while in Australia or all around the world.
• You can subscribe for the "extreme sports" option (it includes surf, scuba-diving and winter sports).
• If you are not granted the Working Holiday visa and you cannot leave to Australia, you can be refunded the cost of the insurance (after official evidence is submitted).
• As soon as you contact us by filling the form below, you will be able to organise your payment direcly on line with Chapka Insurance; it will help you gain time and avoid unnecessary red tape.
• You need to be less than 35 years old.
• You must subscribe before your departure to Australia.
• You can subscribe for a period of 1 to 12 months.
• You can renew your insurance policy once in Australia (for a period of one month minimum).
Fees per person and in €uros (Australia-New Zeland)
1 month = 42 € | 2 months = 77 € | 3 months = 112 € |
4 months = 147 € | 5 months = 183 € | 6 months = 218 € |
7 months = 253 € | 8 months = 288 € | 9 months = 323 € |
10 months = 359 € | 11 months = 399 € | 12 months = 430 € |
Option « extreme sports and winter sports » :
• from 1 to 5 months : + 45 €
• from 6 to 12 months : + 70 €